Legal Notice

Gerl Homes Beherbergungs GmbH
Sonnweg 15
Office & Sitz : Bundesstraße 50
5071 Salzburg-Wals


Phone: +43 662 85 05 52-0
Fax: 0043 662 85 05 52 – 60


Company register No. 600942p
VAT: ATU79224206
Place of jurisdiction: Salzburg

Sparte WK Österreich: Freizeit und Tourismus

Partner links

Programming & Maintenance

Photo Credit & Copyrights

  • Images Gerl: © Helge Kirchberger (5020 Salzburg)
  • Photos Activities: © Tourismus Salzburg, © Casinos Austria
  • Brand & Logo: Gerl Homes Beherbergungs GmbH (5071 Wals)
  • Visualisations & floor plans: Ing. Christina Kislinger (4793 St. Roman)

Liability and Intellectual Property Rights Information

Liability Disclaimer: While the content of this website has been put together with great care and reflects our current knowledge, it is provided for information purposes without being legally binding, unless the disclosure of this information is required by law (e.g. the legal information), the privacy policy, terms and conditions or mandatory instructions for consumers) . We reserve the right to modify or delete the content, whether in full or in part, provided this does not affect our existing contractual obligations. All website content is subject to change and non-binding.

Link Disclaimer: We do not accept any responsibility for or endorse the content of external websites we link to, whether directly or indirectly. The providers of the linked websites are solely responsible for all content presented on their websites and in particular, any damage resulting from the use the information offered on their websites.

Copyrights and Trademarks: We do not accept any responsibility for or endorse the content of external websites we link to, whether directly or indirectly. The providers of the linked websites are solely responsible for all content presented on their websites and in particular, any damage resulting from the use the information offered on their websites.

Information on legal infringements: Please notify us if you notice any rights violations on our website. Once notified, we will promptly remove any illegal content or links.